Monday, October 1, 2012

Creating a Dream...


Hi dear all...

Thursday, September 27, 2012.

It's late, yes. Tapi mata belum mengantuk lagi...Just finishing my assignment. And tomorrow ada presentation of our first project. During our previous studio, in a group of 3, we were asked to find a development yang dah sedia ada of not less than 2 years. Get the background info as much as we can and try to establish the concept of that chosen development. Without much ado, saya dah ada ahli kumpulan : Anis Fadhilah and Nor Idayu. Set!

We chose Queensbay development for various reasons :
  • Pretty close by, so tak payah menghabiskan masa dalam perjalanan ke tapak (only to find yang it's really not easily recognizable and accessible...)
  • It's a big development, and quite recent too, so that the blueprints, drawings and supporting documents are quite easily available at the Council without having to wait for them to retrieve plans from their archive...

Kami diminta untuk menyediakan 3 presentation slides untuk menerangkan tentang the site that we have chosen and the concept. So, here are the slides that we have prepared for  Friday, September 28, 2012.

Friday, September 28, 2012

After presentation, ada beberapa komen membina dari para Pensyarah tentang perkara-perkara yang perlu kami tambahbaik in our presentation i.e. we didn't comment on the overall concept dan sama ada pembangunan itu benar-benar live up to what the developer claim to build and the pledge that they make with regard to eco-friendliness. Then we realized that OMG, how could we overlook this most crucial aspect of  planning evaluation?  I would like to sincerely thank all the Lecturers kerana membuka minda kami terhadap apa sebenarnya yang perlu dinilai and, we will try our best to conform to the requirement, InsyaAllah...

To share is to care...

In the mean time, here's something I find interesting and would like to share with you, guys. Mungkin ada iktibar yang boleh dijadikan panduan... Happy watching...

November 2006
Brazilian urban planning guru, Jaime Lerner, has cracked the problem of getting a city to run well. His idea - to put people before cars - has vastly improved residents' quality of life.

Lerner has revolutionised transport in his hometown of Curitiba, diverting traffic around the centre. Huge pedestrian areas and parks have replaced busy roads and congestion has been tackled with an efficient bus service. As Lerner explains; "If you want to make life better for people, make the cities better."

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