Monday, October 8, 2012

Presentation Mistakes & A Better Scenario for Studiowork Presentation

 Hi there!

What presentation mistakes are sure-fire ways to put your audience to sleep or send them running for the doors? Even the best presentation can be destroyed by a bad presenter -- from the person who mumbles, to the one who talks too fast, to the one who just wasn't prepared. But perhaps nothing is as irritating as the person who misuses and abuses presentation software. Read on to learn about the 10 most common presentation mistakes.


Presentation Mistake #1 - You Don't Know Your Topic!
You memorized the content. Someone has a question. Panic sets in. You never prepared for questions and all you know about this topic is what is written on the slides.

A better scenario
Know your material so well, that you could easily do the presentation without an electronic enhancement such as PowerPoint. Nothing will ruin your credibility as a presenter faster, than not knowing everything about your topic. Use key words and phrases and include only essential information to keep the audience focused and interested. Be prepared for questions and know the answers.

Presentation Mistake #2 - The Slides Are NOT Your Presentation
Each of your slides in filled with the text of your speech. Why do they need you in front?

A better scenario
Always remember that you are the presentation. The slide show should only be used as an accompaniment to your talk. Simplify the content, by using bullet points for key information. Keep the most important points near the top of the slide for easy reading in the back rows. Focus on a single topic area for this presentation and use no more than four bullets per slide. Speak to the audience, not to the screen.

Presentation Mistake #3 - Too Much Information
You know so much about the topic, that you jump from here to there and back again talking about everything, and no one can follow the thread of the presentation.

A better scenario
Use the K.I.S.S. principle (Keep It Simple Silly) when designing a presentation. Stick to three, or at the most, four points about your topic and expound on them. The audience will be more likely to retain the information.

Presentation Mistake #4 - Poorly Chosen Design or Theme
You heard blue was a good color for a design template or design theme, with a beach scene. Water is blue, right? Unfortunately, your presentation is about some effective new tools.

A better scenario
Choose a design that is appropriate for the audience. A clean, straightforward layout is best for business presentations. Young children respond to presentations that are full of color and contain a variety of shapes.

Presentation Mistake #5 - Electrifying Color Choices
Audiences don't like unusual color combinations. Some are unsettling and red and green combos can't be differentiated by those with color blindness.

A better scenario
Good contrast with the background is essential to make your text easy to read.
  • Dark text on a light background is best. Off white or light beige is easier on the eyes than the typical white. Dark backgrounds are very effective, if the text is light for easy reading.
  • Patterned or textured backgrounds make text hard to read.
  • Keep the color scheme consistent.

Presentation Mistake #6 - Poor Font Choices
Small, script type fonts might look great when you are sitting 18 inches away from the monitor. You didn't consider the audience sitting 50 feet away from the screen who can't read them.

A better scenario
Stick to easy to read fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman. Use no more than two different fonts – one for headings, another for content and no less than a 30 pt font so that people at the back of the room can read them easily.

Presentation Mistake #7 - Extraneous Photos and Graphs
You figured no one will notice that you didn't do much research on your topic if you add lots of photos and complicated looking graphs.

A better scenario
Use photos, charts and diagrams only to emphasize key points of your presentation. Illustrate, don't decorate.

Presentation Mistake #8 - Too Many Slides
Your vacation cruise was so fantastic that you took 200 photos, and put them all in a digital photo album to impress your friends. After the first 50 slides, snores were heard in the room.

A better scenario
 Ensure your audience stays focused by keeping the number of slides to a minimum. 20 to 30 is plenty. Be kind though. Think how much you enjoy everyone else’s vacation pictures!

Presentation Mistake #9 - Different Animations on Every Slide
You found all the really cool animations and sounds and used 85% of them in your presentation, to impress everyone with your flair. The audience doesn’t know where to look, and have totally lost the message of your presentation.

A better scenario
Animations and sounds, used well, can heighten interest, but don't distract the audience with too much of a good thing. Don't let your audience suffer from animation overload.

Presentation Mistake #10 - Hardware Malfunctions
The audience is settled. You are all set to start your presentation and - guess what? The computer doesn't work. You didn’t bother to check it out earlier.

A better scenario
Check all the equipment and rehearse your presentation, using this projector long before your time to present. Carry an extra projector bulb. If possible, check the lighting in the room you will be presenting in, prior to your time in the limelight. Make sure you know how to dim the lights if the room is too bright.

Concept Evaluation

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”
William Penn

(By the way, week #4 is going to end already...)

For Studio, we were asked to prepare 5 Powerpoint presentation slides to evaluate the development concept for that specific site that we have chosen. Looks easy, eh? 5 slides only, Bro... No big deal. But to me, it's even harder to compress everything into one tiny space than to expand... Lebih senang nak gemuk dari nak kurus...Tak gitu?

So, my group pun berbincanglah... Bincang punya bincang, inilah produk yang dapat kami hasilkan. Not much, but oklah... harap-harap esok Tuan/Puan Dr. dan Encik-Encik berpuas hati dan tak banyak soal...


Thursday, October 4, 2012

The New Urbanism

Hi everyone!

Di masa kini kita sering mendengar orang menyebut dan bercerita tentang "new urbanism" iaitu suatu konsep baru dalam perancangan. So, pada kali ini, saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda apa yang dapat when I surf the Internet. It's kinda interesting... Hope you'll like it too...

NEW URBANISM is the most important planning movement this century, and is about creating a better future for us all. It is an international movement to reform the design of the built environment, and is about raising our quality of life and standard of living by creating better places to live. New Urbanism is the revival of our lost art of place-making, and is essentially a re-ordering of the built environment into the form of complete cities, towns, villages, and neighborhoods - the way communities have been built for centuries around the world. New Urbanism involves fixing and infilling cities, as well as the creation of compact new towns and villages. 


The principles of New Urbanism can be applied increasingly to projects at the full range of scales from a single building to an entire community.

1. Walkability

-Most things within a 10-minute walk of home and work
-Pedestrian friendly street design (buildings close to street; porches, windows & doors; tree-lined streets; on street parking; hidden parking lots; garages in rear lane; narrow, slow speed streets)
-Pedestrian streets free of cars in special cases

2. Connectivity

-Interconnected street grid network disperses traffic & eases walking
-A hierarchy of narrow streets, boulevards, and alleys
-High quality pedestrian network and public realm makes walking pleasurable

3. Mixed-Use & Diversity

-A mix of shops, offices, apartments, and homes on site. Mixed-use within neighborhoods, within blocks, and within buildings
-Diversity of people - of ages, income levels, cultures, and races

4. Mixed Housing

A range of types, sizes and prices in closer proximity

5. Quality Architecture & Urban Design

Emphasis on beauty, aesthetics, human comfort, and creating a sense of place; Special placement of civic uses and sites within community. Human scale architecture & beautiful surroundings nourish the human spirit

6. Traditional Neighborhood Structure

-Discernable center and edge
-Public space at center
-Importance of quality public realm; public open space designed as civic art
-Contains a range of uses and densities within 10-minute walk
-Transect planning: Highest densities at town center; progressively less dense towards the edge. The transect is an analytical system that conceptualizes mutually reinforcing elements, creating a series of specific natural habitats and/or urban lifestyle settings. The Transect integrates environmental methodology for habitat assessment with zoning methodology for community design. The professional boundary between the natural and man-made disappears, enabling environmentalists to assess the design of the human habitat and the urbanists to support the viability of nature. This urban-to-rural transect hierarchy has appropriate building and street types for each area along the continuum. 

The Transect
7. Increased Density
-More buildings, residences, shops, and services closer together for ease of walking, to enable a more efficient use of services and resources, and to create a more convenient, enjoyable place to live.
-New Urbanism design principles are applied at the full range of densities from small towns, to large cities

8. Smart Transportation
-A network of high-quality trains connecting cities, towns, and neighborhoods together
-Pedestrian-friendly design that encourages a greater use of bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, and walking as daily transportation

9. Sustainability

-Minimal environmental impact of development and its operations
-Eco-friendly technologies, respect for ecology and value of natural systems
-Energy efficiency
-Less use of finite fuels
-More local production
-More walking, less driving

10. Quality of Life

Taken together these add up to a high quality of life well worth living, and create places that enrich, uplift, and inspire the human spirit.

         "The sum of human happiness increases because of New Urbanism" -Andres Duany

Capri, Italy

1. Benefitsto Residents

Higher quality of life; Better places to live, work, & play; Higher, more stable property values; Less traffic congestion & less driving; Healthier lifestyle with more walking, and less stress; Close proximity to main street retail & services; Close proximity to bike trails, parks, and nature; Pedestrian friendly communities offer more opportunities to get to know others in the neighborhood and town, resulting in meaningful relationships with more people, and a friendlier town; More freedom and independence to children, elderly, and the poor in being able to get to jobs, recreation, and services without the need for a car or someone to drive them; Great savings to residents and school boards in reduced busing costs from children being able to walk or bicycle to neighborhood schools; More diversity and smaller, unique shops and services with local owners who are involved in community; Big savings by driving less, and owning less cars; Less ugly, congested sprawl to deal with daily; Better sense of place and community identity with more unique architecture; More open space to enjoy that will remain open space; More efficient use of tax money with less spent on spread out utilities and roads

2. Benefits to Businesses

Increased sales due to more foot traffic & people spending less on cars and gas; More profits due to spending less on advertising and large signs; Better lifestyle by living above shop in live-work units - saves the stressful & costly commute; Economies of scale in marketing due to close proximity and cooperation with other local businesses; Smaller spaces promote small local business incubation; Lower rents due to smaller spaces & smaller parking lots; Healthier lifestyle due to more walking and being near healthier restaurants; More community involvement from being part of community and knowing residents

3. Benefits to Developers

More income potential from higher density mixed-use projects due to more leasable square footage, more sales per square foot, and higher property values and selling prices; Faster approvals in communities that have adopted smart growth principles resulting in cost / time savings; Cost savings in parking facilities in mixed-use properties due to sharing of spaces throughout the day and night, resulting in less duplication in providing parking; Less need for parking facilities due to mix of residences and commercial uses within walking distance of each other; Less impact on roads / traffic, which can result in lower impact fees; Lower cost of utilities due to compact nature of New Urbanist design; Greater acceptance by the public and less resistance from NIMBYS; Faster sell out due to greater acceptance by consumers from a wider product range resulting in wider market share

4. Benefits to Municipalities

Stable, appreciating tax base; Less spent per capita on infrastructure and utilities than typical suburban development due to compact, high-density nature of projects; Increased tax base due to more buildings packed into a tighter area; Less traffic congestion due to walkability of design; Less crime and less spent on policing due to the presence of more people day and night; Less resistance from community; Better overall community image and sense of place; Less incentive to sprawl when urban core area is desirable; Easy to install transit where it's not, and improve it where it is; Greater civic involvement of population leads to better governance


The most effective way to implement New Urbanism is to plan for it, and write it into zoning and development codes. This directs all future development into this form.

New Urbanism is best planned at all levels

-The single building
-Groups of buildings
-The urban block
-The neighborhood
-Networks of neighborhoods

Increasingly, regional planning techniques are being used to control and shape growth into compact, high-density, mixed-use neighborhoods, villages, towns, and cities. Planning new train systems (instead of more roads) delivers the best results when designed in harmony with regional land planning - known as Transit Oriented Development (TOD). At the same time, the revitalization of urban areas directs and encourages infill development back into city centers.

Planning for compact growth, rather than letting it sprawl out, has the potential to greatly increase the quality of the environment. It also prevents congestion problems and the environmental degradation normally associated with growth.


The most important obstacle to overcome is the restrictive and incorrect zoning codes currently in force in most municipalities. Current codes do not allow New Urbanism to be built, but do allow sprawl. Adopting a TND ordinance and/or a system of 'smart codes' allows New Urbanism to be built easily without having to rewrite existing codes. 

An equally important obstacle is the continuous road building and expansion taking place in every community across America. This encourages more driving and more sprawl which has a domino effect increasing traffic congestion across the region.  Halting road projects and building new train systems helps reverse this problematic trend.

"Only when humans are again permitted to build authentic urbanism — those cities, towns, and villages that nurture us by their comforts and delights — will we cease the despoiling of Nature by escaping to sprawl" -Andres Duany

As population and pollution problems continue to develop in our world, new solutions to existing obstacles must be cultivated. Instead of expanding roads and building more bridges for more cars to congest, we must move to a different standpoint. New Urbanism sets out to make cars a source of secondary or even tertiary transportation in an interactive setting where people can prosper together healthily and ecologically. Getting to work in today's world involves high levels of stress, and poor use of time, not to mention the virtually eliminated element of social interaction. In a New Urbanistic environment, all amenities are within about 10 minutes of walking distance from either home or work. Roads are hidden behind properties in slow speed alleys, promoting walking, bicycling and other sustainable methods of transportation. In such an environment where social interaction is encouraged and sustainable lifestyles are both implemented and encouraged, a healthy culture can emerge and prosper. New Urbanism, in a small area, brings together people of all age, income, culture, and race, setting a standard of equality among all humans, regardless of background. It is imperative that new ideas such and New Urbanism are explored and provided for people to assess for themselves. In this manner we can move forward as a whole society, leaving no one behind.

Credit :

Monday, October 1, 2012

Creating a Dream...


Hi dear all...

Thursday, September 27, 2012.

It's late, yes. Tapi mata belum mengantuk lagi...Just finishing my assignment. And tomorrow ada presentation of our first project. During our previous studio, in a group of 3, we were asked to find a development yang dah sedia ada of not less than 2 years. Get the background info as much as we can and try to establish the concept of that chosen development. Without much ado, saya dah ada ahli kumpulan : Anis Fadhilah and Nor Idayu. Set!

We chose Queensbay development for various reasons :
  • Pretty close by, so tak payah menghabiskan masa dalam perjalanan ke tapak (only to find yang it's really not easily recognizable and accessible...)
  • It's a big development, and quite recent too, so that the blueprints, drawings and supporting documents are quite easily available at the Council without having to wait for them to retrieve plans from their archive...

Kami diminta untuk menyediakan 3 presentation slides untuk menerangkan tentang the site that we have chosen and the concept. So, here are the slides that we have prepared for  Friday, September 28, 2012.

Friday, September 28, 2012

After presentation, ada beberapa komen membina dari para Pensyarah tentang perkara-perkara yang perlu kami tambahbaik in our presentation i.e. we didn't comment on the overall concept dan sama ada pembangunan itu benar-benar live up to what the developer claim to build and the pledge that they make with regard to eco-friendliness. Then we realized that OMG, how could we overlook this most crucial aspect of  planning evaluation?  I would like to sincerely thank all the Lecturers kerana membuka minda kami terhadap apa sebenarnya yang perlu dinilai and, we will try our best to conform to the requirement, InsyaAllah...

To share is to care...

In the mean time, here's something I find interesting and would like to share with you, guys. Mungkin ada iktibar yang boleh dijadikan panduan... Happy watching...

November 2006
Brazilian urban planning guru, Jaime Lerner, has cracked the problem of getting a city to run well. His idea - to put people before cars - has vastly improved residents' quality of life.

Lerner has revolutionised transport in his hometown of Curitiba, diverting traffic around the centre. Huge pedestrian areas and parks have replaced busy roads and congestion has been tackled with an efficient bus service. As Lerner explains; "If you want to make life better for people, make the cities better."